Allergies. Athough they are tough and hardy, Westies are very prone to developing allergies. Allergies can cause distressing symptoms for dogs, primarily itching, and when they scratch and chew at their itchy body parts, they can cause sores, skin irritation, and hair loss.
The skin is a weak area in Westies. In a recent study, 66% (two-thirds) of the breed were affected by some form of skin disease by 3 years of age. Allergies (which cause itchy skin and often lead to pyoderma) are very common in all terrier breeds. Other skin diseases in Westies include seborrhea, and a very serious disease: epidermal dysplasia.
The West Highland Terrier is considered hypoallergenic, which makes it a great choice for people with mild allergies. The West Highland Terrier produces minimal fur and dander and is relatively low-shedding. As long as you take proactive steps, you can avoid dandruff and hair. Let's explore whether West Highland White Terriers can be considered hypoallergenic by examining their coat and comparing them to other breeds energetic dogs known for low allergens on their skin. They also recommended as a hypoallergenic dog breed as they are a low shedding breed.
Allergies. Seborrhea Skin Condition. Dental Crowding. Otitis Externa Ear Infection. Obesity. Sensitive Stomach. Joint Problems. White Shaker Dog Syndrome. Pulmonary Fibrosis. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) Dry Eye Syndrome. Cataracts. Small Dog Syndrome. 1. Allergies. The most common West Highland Terrier health concern is allergies.
Malassezia Dermatitis. Malassezia dermatitis is not an allergy but a yeast infection found on the skin of Westies as the result of an allergic reaction. The symptoms include loss of hair and oily, itchy, blackened, foul-smelling skin. Treatment includes anitfungal drugs, medicated shampoo, antibiotics, antihistamines and topical treatments. West Highland White Terriers tend to be predisposed to numerous health issues, such as skin allergies and intolerances, however, many of these issues can be supported via dietary support. Sponsored by Different Dog. Skin allergies and intolerances can plague our dogs causing hair loss and dry irritated broken skin.
Respiratory allergies may be caused by cigarette smoke, certain plants and grasses, inhaled chemical vapors, dust mites, and pollen. Pollen allergies will be seasonal generally limited to Springtime. Bathing your Westie to remove allergens from their coat and skin may help.
  • west highland terrier skin allergies